Psychic Encounter at a Star Trek Convention

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I have been a fan of the program Star Trek since it debuted in 1966.� I was delighted when they came out sapa vietnam trekking tours with an updated program in 1988 called �Star Trek the Next Generation.�� I was really intrigued by a character on this program that was called Q and portrayed by the actor John De Lancie.� His character Q had almost omnipotent powers and he continually used the Time Space Continuum for his amusement to bounce around from universe to universe and to plague others that he found amusing, such as humans.� In fact he said he belonged to the Q Continuum, which was far advanced from human beings.�

Whenever his character appeared on this program I felt a lot of spiritual messages were coming through about what we can truly do if we grasp this concept and truly understand quantum physics.� We can change and go anywhere we want once we truly master this.� Of course I was not thinking in terms of being mischievous or threatening like the character Q, just the fact that we really are unlimited if we can allow ourselves to be that free.

In 1990 at the Airport Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles they were holding one of the largest Star Trek Conventions ever at that time.� I saw that one of the guest speakers would be John De Lancie and decided I had to go.� It was going to be wonderful because I bought a premium ticket where I had upfront seating to listen to all of the speakers.� I had never been to a Star Trek Convention before and was looking forward to all of the different booths and features that are associated with these types of conventions.�

Upon arrival I was given a program that announced what time the different speakers would be appearing.� I found the time for John De Lancie and had plenty of time to browse around at the different booths before he spoke.� As the time approached for his appearance I went to my assigned seat just four rows tours from hanoi to sapa the stage.� Mr. De Lancie came on and was warmly greeted by the audience that was packed and flowing out the doors.� He was such a charismatic speaker and sapa tours I was really enjoying what he was talking about, his acting career and the privilege of playing the character Q.�

Suddenly I started hearing a man and woman who were married arguing behind me.� The argument got louder and I could not believe they were causing this ruckus in the middle of this man�s presentation. Being in the premiums seats it was very closely monitored and I could not understand why none of the ushers were stopping them.� What was more surprising to me is that nobody else seemed to notice and no one else was looking around at this argument.� I decided I had to look and see where these people were.� I looked behind me and towards the right because that is where I heard the voices.� There was no one having an argument; everyone was watching the guest speaker.� I was positive where the sound was coming tours from hanoi to sapa and so I started studying the faces of the people behind me to the right.� I noticed a particular couple and as I looked at them I could hear what they were arguing about even though there was silence and they were staring at the stage.�

This really blew me away as I had never heard or experienced this type of thing so clearly before in a public setting. I had always been able to pick up on people�s thoughts, but never an entire conversation between two people that was occurring in their minds.� I realized that I was being a channel because of my natural psychic gifts and was tuned in to these two people�s minds at the same time.� How interesting that this would occur in connection with the character of Q who could go in and out of peoples thoughts easily.�

I had to turn off the channel because I didn�t want to continue to hear this argument.� Once I did I put my focus back on John De Lancie�s speech.� I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the program.� When he finished I felt I had had enough and was tired and decided to go home. When I got up to leave I looked at this couple as they were still seated and they were not talking to one another, they had their arms crossed and you could see the tension on their faces.� I sent blessings to them and went home.�

Through this spiritual adventure I saw how real thoughts are. I know that you have been told many times that your thoughts can influence your life, but I was able to experience someone else�s thoughts and realize that their negative thoughts were influencing others without their knowledge. Perhaps this little story will help you understand how real thoughts are, without thoughts think of all the things that we would not have in this world such as electricity, automobiles, and even computers. These are some of the ways thoughts can be used in a positive way.

Monitor your thoughts and pay attention because you could be sending thoughts out to other people, entities, or even other life forms. There is no end to the time space continuum. Everything we imagine is real - quite possibly is only a thought and not a reality! Think about it.