Could Your Insomnia Be Caused By Sleep Apnea By Paul Stevens

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THN Sleep Therapy is an implantable therapy for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a very serious condition that affects millions of patients worldwide. Even though individuals with sleep problem notice symptoms associated with sleep problem, most of the time individual's with sleep problem seek medical attention because of symptoms noticed by their sleep partner. Some of those who have tried the CPAP machine cannot tolerate it. There are also patients who have issues with their sleep but are unaware.

Those who underwent gastric bypass had an average BMI of 48 at the time of surgery (over 40 is considered morbidly obese). It seems logical that anything that strengthens the relevant muscles are going to be affective in treating apnea and although it's been shown that there is a positive link between singers, singing and the absence of apnea opinions are still divided.

From deep sleep into light sleep when the breathing pauses or will become shallow, resulting to poor sleep quality and making you exhausted during daytime. Surgery to treat OSA is usually not recommended because evidence shows that it is not as effective as CPAP in controlling the symptoms.

Shahar E et al. Sleep-disordered breathing and cardiovascular disease: Cross-sectional results of the Sleep Heart Health study. Ear, nose, and throat specialists at eos sleep have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating sleep apnea. Home remedies and lifestyle modifications can go a long way in reducing sleep apnea symptoms.

Since high blood pressure can lead to stroke, kidney disease, and heart attack, it is essential that the sleep apnea be treated in conjunction with standard treatments for high blood pressure. The most effective treatment available is a mask worn at night that prevents the throat from collapsing by transmitting increased air pressure to the collapsible segment of the throat.

Now that he focuses solely on sleep apnea treatment, he knows that his impact not only improves how patients may feel, it improves their overall health as well. Obstructive Sleep Apnea can run in families, suggesting that there may be a genetic component. OSA that is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness is commonly called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome—also referred to as obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome.

Sleep apnea is a common but serious sleep disorder where your breathing is briefly interrupted when you're asleep. But taking into consideration the problems of the patients using these sleep apnea cures, little advancement has been made to help them utilize it in a comfortable manner.

The lack of oxygen causes the person to come out of deep sleep and into a lighter state of sleep, or a brief period of wakefulness, in order to restore normal breathing. One common treatment is the use of a continuous positive airway pressure machine. Many people find the mask and pump uncomfortable and inconvenient and you will need to wear the CPAP every night.