The realty "Bubble"

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I don't know when you first realized we were in an up market in real estate, but it has been on a solid upward trend for at least the last 3-4 years. It didn't just happen yesterday. Of course like anything else, awareness of the general public is a bit latent, and dependent upon the media. It has only been lately that the media has really focused on it and thrust it onto the front page.

The Chinese are not as obsessed with body weight as Westerners until very recently. There is a Chinese term for gaining weight (Fa Fu). It means something good because it signifies plenty of food to eat. If you study china history, famine is not an uncommon phenomenon, the previous one having occurred in mid 1960s. The Chinese used to worry more about not enough to eat than too much leading to weight gain.

The way to learn the secrets is to work for a bank. They teach their new employees the ins and outs of the business. You might be able to find a course on how to be a loan underwriter or loan officer. If you find one, they will teach you everything you need to know and a whole lot more. You don't need the whole lot more part though. All you need to learn is basic loan processing and calculations. So if that's all you need to know, why bother with the rest?

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On the down side, my mother died a premature and unexpected death, the tragedy of 9-11 occurred, and more recently, the bursting of the Business blogging Sites and the subsequent mortgage crisis caused massive losses globally, and personally.

Taking into account the third and fourth quarter positive Can U Make Money Blogging rates in the US economy, overall it shrunk by 2.4% in 2009 due to the negative growth in the first two quarters of 2009. This is the first annual decline for the US economy since 1991 and the biggest drop since 1946, when the US economy shrank by 10.9%. The constrained demand in the US economy seems to be a result of the weakness in the labor market, with the US unemployment rate at a high of 10 best blog sites%. The US has lost nearly 7.2 million jobs since December 2007 when the recession set in.

This year as the economy slowed yet again, oil plunged back to a low of $75 a barrel in June. This time, as hopes grew that the Fed would come to the rescue again, neither oil nor the stock market waited, but began rallying again purely on the hopes for Fed action. The price of crude oil reached $100.40 a barrel two weeks ago.

The problem is you probably don't know how to present yourself and the information that will convince the bank to help you. This is where it helps to know the insider secrets of how to process a loan. To be successful, you should know what the bank is looking for, show them exactly that information and "lead them" to say yes. If you are telling them exactly what they want to hear, how can they say no?

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