Can Penis Sensitivity be Reduced by Too Much Porn

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xxx porn videos - The vast majority of men on this planet have seen porn in one form or another. Adult films, with their interesting action and xxx porn videos the bonus of audio, are often seen as the gold standard for those who like to enjoy a little visual stimulation with their private time. Men that pay attention to excellent penis care might notice that after a marathon or two of xxx porn videos watching, their penis sensitivity seems to diminish. Is this a real problem, or nothing to worry about?

The answer: It depends.

For most men, there is nothing at all wrong with a little adult film watching from time to time. But occasionally, a man will notice that it becomes much more difficult for him to 'get things going' as quickly as usual. He will require longer movies, with more intense scenes, in order to get off. When he is with a partner, he might find that the usual moves that always worked in the past no longer do it for him.

At that point, a man can make the case that yes, he has had far too much of a usually good thing!

Signs of a porn addiction

Many men might jokingly agree that yes, they are addicted to porn and proud of it! But a man who is truly addicted to porn will show a few very clear signs. Over time, those signs will become even more obvious. Here's what might set off a red flag:

1. Porn is a constant companion. If a man has adult films on his laptop, phone, tablet, and any other device so that he can access it anytime, anywhere, there might be a problem brewing. When he begins to watch porn more often than he does other things - such as begging off that night of poker with the boys to stay at home with his virtual images - it's a sure bet he has a problem.

2. The virtual world gets in the way. A man who has called in sick to work to stay home with his computer, a guy who has told his wife he wasn't in the mood but then turned to porn an hour later, or a man who has snuck into the bathroom to get his fix is someone who might have a problem. In other words, a man who is devoting all his time to porn instead of to the things that he used to enjoy has fallen into the hands of addiction.

3. He has started to lie about it. Most adults don't see the need to lie about things that are healthy and expected. So when a man begins lying about his porn use, that could be a red flag. A man who hides adult films from his significant other might say he is doing so not to hurt her feelings; but what about a man who downplays the issue to his best friend, or who covers up his use when questioned by one of the guys? That's a problem.

4. Penis sensitivity has lessened. A man who has been masturbating to porn quite often might find that all that handling has sent his penis sensitivity to record-low levels. It might become especially clear when he is with a partner and has trouble performing, simply due to the need to have more visual stimulation - the kind that he can get on a loop in adult films or clips. That loss of sensitivity is serious cause for alarm.

To help keep the manhood feeling strong and sensitive, savvy men need to do two things: first, cut back on the porn watching, and second, reach for a top-notch penis health cr�me (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men should look specifically for a cr�me that contains acetyl L-carnitine, an xxx porn videos amino acid known for protecting against peripheral nerve damage, as well as numerous vitamins and nutrients that lead to a supple, well-hydrated penis.