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Giving great acknowledgement is the fastest and most ethical way of getting positive reviews for your own Google Places Page. It sounds obvious and simple - and its true. Ever since Google's major shift in the way Google Places Pages became interspersed with local organic search results, the Google Places algorithms have become more heavily weighted to:

1) The rankings of the main website pointed to from the Google Places Page

2) The proximity of the business' specific location to the center of the city or town name in the search query

3) Whether or not the owners have claimed their Google Places Page and the degree to which it is filled in to the maximum extent with details, up to ten photos and to a lesser extent videos

4) Reviews

Never before has simple, genuine acknowledgement of the people you know and work with been more valuable for their online visibility and search engine rankings. A crucial success factor in getting legitimate reviews is to first give them yourself on their Google Places Page and see how easy it is. Leave a two or three sentence review so you know the steps yourself and can show them.

Take A Moment And Think Of Someone You Work With Whose Work You Really Appreciate

Who comes to mind first when you're asked this question? What is it about that person's work you really appreciate? How could you better communicate that appreciation to them - and the world - with a review on their Google Places Page?

Take a couple minutes to write a two to three sentence review that summarizes what they've done that's had a positive impact on you and/or others - and be sure to mention who you are qualifying your opinion recommending them.

The simplest way to give genuine praise and recognition is to tell people what impact they've had on you. Recall something they've said or done that's made a lasting impression on you.

Studies Show Praise And Recognition Require Three Elements To Be Effective:

1) Make It Specific. The more specific you can be, the greater the value of what you give.

2) Personalize It by Using Their Name

3) Above All Else - Mean It! Your own sincerity is always your greatest asset for being heard.

People need to feel what they're doing makes a difference.

It can be as simple as: "I liked that!" "I really appreciate..." or, "Thanks for the good job you're doing on that!" Seeing comments in print can make them bigger than life. This type of perception clarification establishes reputations people live up to because they know their actions are perceived and appreciated.

To Find Their Google Places Page And Give The Review

Search for their business name in both Google Maps and the organic results. Enter into the Google search box: maps.google.com

If you find a listing here click the business name blue link to get to the Places Page. You can also enter the phone number as a way of locating their page. If you don't find a listing next check Google Places by searching in the usual, organic search results.

One thing that can make finding the Google Places Page confusing is that Google Places is a subset of Google Maps. And while similar information about businesses are displayed with the red pin in both, the format the information is displayed is different depending upon if you are accessing it through Google Maps or Google Places which is more detailed. For [http://www.mytestdomainnow.com example], look at how photos get squished or elongated clicking on Google Maps or the Google Places Pages. Google Maps listings are smaller, Google Places bigger and more detailed.

If you don't find a listing in Google Maps, check Google Places by entering their name or business in the Google search box. When the Google search result loads, under the Google logo top left corner main menu, at the bottom of the list of search options click "More" and it will now show the "Places" option with the red pin. Click it.

This will show the Google Places Page listing and you want to click the red pin that's an active link to get you to the Places Page. Once you have arrived at the more detailed, Google Places Page, Click the red "Write A Review" link.

If you have a Google account log in and are returned to the page for your review. If you don't yet have a Google account its very simple and takes about a minute.

Very important that you click the star ratings and see them light up or the entry won't save when you submit. Carefully note this is the number one cause of people thinking they have submitted a review, but the star rating wasn't clicked and they need to go back in and do it again. Enter your review and submit - and its very important to then check it afterwards to be certain it is showing properly.

If it's not showing the usual reason is the star rating system wasn't clicked. Go back in and try it again. Send the person you gave the review a copy, tell them they were the person you thought of when you read this article and were asked the question, "Think of someone you work with whose work you really appreciate..." Ask them the same question - show them how easy it was to leave a review of them in writing on their Google Places Page - and encourage them to pass it on.

Tell People What They're Doing Right.

It doesn't cost a penny. It's clearly one of the Non-Monetary Rewards people value most - and the GoogleBot now values more than ever before in search engine rankings for your Google Places Page.

Ask people you have worked with to be an honest witness of the results achieved together. Put into writing clarifying exactly what goals you have achieved working together and post it. The more specific they can be quantifying solutions and results the better.

Ask them, "Are these results what you know from your own experience to be true? Will you be a witness to these facts and take a moment to post them as a Google Review?"

Don't Game The System

People reading these reviews will judge for themselves if they ring true and are relevant to their own needs. Some of the biggest ways people sniff that out is if they sound too promotional, are written with too many superlatives that just don't match the usual person's experience of this service or product, or if you see way too many people clicking that they "Found this review helpful" than any ordinary person would click if not told to do so.

If you suddenly find the number of Google Places Reviews on your site cut in half, that's Google's way of getting your attention something is wrong. Log into your Google Places Page and you may find the missing reviews are all still there and visible when you are logged in - its that Google is not displaying them all until whatever the problem is removed.

Someone may have clicked the "Report Inappropriate" content link that Google then reviewed and has flagged on your page. Figure out what that is. Google: Google Places Posting Guidelines which takes you to: website

First, start deleting each element one at a time that might be the most likely cause of the problem - one at a time and save it.

Then log out, refresh your browser and look at Google's display of your Google Places page to see if its fixed - displaying the same images you see when you are logged in. Many times, this will automatically return the display of the other reviews to the public view as soon as the problem element or photo is removed.

This is an automated downgrade effecting what Google displays regarding your place that is automatically removed once the problem element on the page is removed. This can result from problems with your reviews that don't look natural, specific language in the page details you've entered, or problems in the images you have displayed - like displaying someone else's trademarked logo on your page inappropriately.

Google Places Is A Great Way To Say Thank You

Genuine praise and recognition are some of the greatest non-monetary rewards that motivate people. They don't cost a penny because they are based on communication techniques.

Taking a couple minutes to put into writing the positive impact the people you know have had on you has never been easier to do - and instantly visible to the world published with their Google search listings these reviews help!