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This app highlights the power of iPhone education apps development. It takes one of the most difficult and tedious topics and makes it fun. Users can choose any elements; the app will show different objects made from that element. Students can also rotate the object and see it in a 3D view. Needless to say, it also has a column of figures and facts alongside the pictures.

So when I held this ungainly fact up against his past behaviour -- of ignoring my messages -- it seemed to me these combined actions carried a message of their own, a message I was not happy to get. However, it was one thing for me to be unhappy; it was another to act on it. But the voice that spoke, just as I was about to cave and rent him the property anyway, said this: You are making a bad business decision. Be bold. And so I was. I spoke. I said no.

Finally, there had better be a reason why you are giving the speech. What this means is that you are going to have to wrap your speech up with a takeaway for your audience. How do you want to feel when your speech is done? What action do you want them to take because they heard your speech? Be very, very clear about this and wrap-up your speech so that it will happen.

3) What are the big trends on the horizon? What do you know now that can help? As you look ahead, what is coming next? Can you be a sort of trendcaster or oracle for your community? Can you help them avoid pain and experience more success by what you know? This is the time and place to start sharing it. Very often, the knowledge that comes so easy to you- that you take for granted- is the just-in-time piece of information someone else needs to move forward. Why not share something you know that might help someone else?

Yet how do you prepare for a career as a Futurist? How do you measure your success? For a start I would be watching lots of science fiction movies, reading science and technology magazines, networking with the folks at MIT and attending TED website and chats with Kruse all over the world. Alternatively, reading palms, tea leaves and chicken entrails might be equally effective.

A further project that he showed for the first time at the conference was called Universe. It is a software application that searches through news of the world and then compiles the events into a constellation of words and images. It's like a tag cloud of the world's collective consciousness.

As Bob Dylan says "The Times They Are a-Changin" so you have to stay fresh and fashion forward. In the 80s Madonna was a bleach blond, pudgy, leather jacket wearing rocker. In the 90s she started to settle down a bit, marry & remarry and softened her look. In the 2000s she discovered yoga, the kabbalah, had children, found her spiritual side and signed one of the largest music deals in history. If you are still wearing the same suits, have the same haircut and style of makeup as you did when you started your career decades ago it is time to update your look!

Might it now be time to openly question the value of a college education? With the walloping non-stop increase in tuition costs, it sure seems like we've entered an education bubble that will leave many in mega debt with no prospect for even an ho-hum career. Latest reports indicate that 53% of recent college grads are either unemployed or working at a job that does not require a college degree. There are more than 100,000 janitors in the U.S. with college degrees and 16,000 parking lot attendants.

If changing her diet to the supposedly "basic," or "primitive" diet that the hunter-gatherers eat can do that for a debilitating condition like MS, imagine what could it do for you. Whatever your health challenges, better nutrition is only going to help you.

Obviously, there's a whole bunch of anger surrounding this issue -- absentee father, drug abuse, violence... it's all par for the course, and hope it goes away.