Acetrader-daily Market Outlook -4 -8 -2011

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In the real estate developers and other stakeholders such as banks, where housing prices continued to rise, not only will make even more money, but also come much faster. So now there are more and more enterprises to invest in real estate market, the greater the market bubble blowing. And people can only be the last person to defend the crown and foot the bill, the result is creating a lot of debt house slaves. This is the Government reluctant to skyrocketing housing prices is another major reason.

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The budget stalemate boils down to this: The Legislature proposes a modest state spending increase of 6 percent, which allows us to account for natural blogger blogs while staying within our $34 billion in anticipated revenue for the upcoming biennium. On the other hand, the governor wants to raise taxes and outspend our projected revenue by $1.8 billion.

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