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Révision datée du 9 septembre 2017 à 00:18 par BetsyQuintana7 (discussion | contributions)
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'This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it'. -Psalms 118:24; 'Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.' -Philippians 4:4 13. Look at the trials of others. Look at others around you in the world and count your blessings. Consider how blessed you are as compared to the vast majority of the world who may not have what you have. Food, water, shelter, clothing-these are all luxuries in many cases-that many people do not have.

All these years you have been using the internet for shopping, downloading songs or videos, booking travel tickets and so on. Google, the most important search engine is of great help and with the help of this; you can educate yourself with the fast growth of technology. Most men choose their career path in online degrees or diplomas.

Wikimedia - have you ever found yourself on Wikipedia to look up one thing, and clicking around to other things? Well the wikimedia project hosts several projects, including Wikiversity which is like a wikipedia-style web of text, pictures, video and audio that can be used to learn in a way that almost mimics the university experience, as far as providing class outlines, syllabi, and organized lessons. Wikiversity does not provide beer or make you want to sleep until noon.

TED is a fantastic conference and some incredible speeches are given there. hyperlinking to the TED chats remind us that one of the benefits of public speaking is that our speeches really can make a difference. You and I may never be invited, but that doesn't mean that we can't learn from all of the speakers who have been invited.

3) What are the big trends on the horizon? What do you know now that can help? As you look ahead, what is coming next? Can you be a sort of trendcaster or oracle for your community? Can you help them avoid pain and experience more success by what you know? This is the time and place to start sharing it. Very often, the knowledge that comes so easy to you- that you take for granted- is the just-in-time piece of information someone else needs to move forward. Why not share something you know that might help someone else?

In both cases I evaluated behaviour and not words. It's a trick I picked up in my mother's acute-care hospital when I had doubts about the information I was getting. After a few weeks, I started tuning out the sound and focused on people's actions instead. It's a useful strategy and one that often yields surprising results: when I compare people's words with their actions, it's very rare that these two aspects of their behaviour fit.

2) What is everyone else talking about? You could, of course, simply parrot what everyone else is already saying. But what if, instead, you came up with a powerful, meaningful, but perhaps contrary opinion? This might be good exercise for your brain- just to practice adopting- and discussing- different viewpoints on the same issue. If you watch TED talks- do you agree with their premise? Why or why not? When you read top blogs in your industry- what would say the same or differently? Sharpening your own sense of critical thinking can give you new insights on core ideas and issues.

You can watch the TED conferences live online, but be prepared to shell out almost $1,000 to do so. People lacking in funds have no need to worry since over 600 talks are available online for Free. Over 15 million people have viewed over 100 million talks.

School and college students spend students attend several different classes and study a number of subjects. They need to keep track of assignments, homework and tests for all the different classes. If you are such a student, this app will make your life a little easier. All you need to do is enter the information in the app; it will send you alerts and remind you when your homework is due.