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After she described the extraordinary relationship between Dr. Alice Stewart, the medical researcher, and George Kneale, the statistician Stewart worked with, Heffernan went on to describe a phenomenon that we all recognize, "the elephant in the room." That's an idiom we use in Canada (and I'm sure in other countries) to describe the discomfort we feel when the downside of a situation is glaringly obvious, but no one has the nerve to talk about it.

The idea of volunteering or buying a ticket and watching the speakers is to find out how to be a mover and a changer. You get excitement out of hearing the speakers. In the past, tickets usually sell out before the speakers are announced. The goal is to celebrate the community. According to the Sacramento Bee article, TEDx Sacramento assigns volunteers to help speakers with their delivery to make sure there's enthusiasm in the presentation.

Why did I speak up instead? Both these people did something I found very trying. I had ongoing deliberations with them that seemed to be ongoing on my side alone. In other words, I had correspondences that seemed very one-sided when I needed them to be more two-sided. In the first instance, I needed to finalize a lease for a property after agreeing to rent it to an executive. However, after I accepted his proposal, I had a lot of trouble pinning him down. He disregarded many of my emails, leaving me feeling a bit off balance about our impending deal.

Anyone listening to Thum's music for the first time would be skeptical. They'd think he actually used music production software to make his music and trick everyone into thinking he's using his natural voice. But as he demonstrated in a Homepage video, filmed at the Sydney Opera House in Bennelong Point, Sydney, everything is pure talent with a little help from recording devices. He performs various songs throughout the clip, but the one at the end is a jazz song revealing his full talent.

For example, check out the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UC Davis which has presented with the group. You can volunteer and avoid paying the hefty ticket fee to hear the speakers. As a volunteer, you can listen to the inspirational ideas in the TEDx style conference format. After all, TEDx Sacramento is one of the first TEDx groups around.

Here's an amazing story about a medical doctor, Dr Terry Wahls, who was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis in 2003. Soon after, she needed a wheelchair to get around and was only able to walk short distances with two canes. After 7 years of the best medical care and the latest drugs her condition progressively worsened to the point she couldn't sit upright. She had to be reclined in a zero-gravity chair.

Does the understanding of geneographics (The study of gene or genetics as it relates to geography and migration or through time) hold the key to ending racism or is racism based on such illogical beliefs so the use of logic will not sway racists from their beliefs?

But what about the idea of education for education's sake? Isn't that what college is supposed to be about - making you smarter, more savvy, more cosmopolitan? Ideally, yes. However, in today's world, anyone who wishes to become smarter and savvier does not need to attend college. The Internet can provide you with an amazing low cost or free education.

Why else is this cautionary tale so important? It's because the data supporting Stewart's theory was "open and freely available." This of course leads to Heffernan's pithy observation that openness alone is not enough to drive change. She's right. As someone who has routinely stated the obvious, I've had to deal with a lot of annoyed or frightened people in my life. But just because people are annoyed or frightened doesn't mean things will change. For example, people who are annoyed by others will take the position, not surprisingly, that others are annoying and don't need to be taken seriously. People who are afraid? Well, they just run for the hills.