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'This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it'. -Psalms 118:24; 'Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.' -Philippians 4:4 13. Look at the trials of others. Look at others around you in the world and count your blessings. Consider how blessed you are as compared to the vast majority of the world who may not have what you have. Food, water, shelter, clothing-these are all luxuries in many cases-that many people do not have.

You can also work on your accent at home: find some audio (with a transcription) with a native American speaker (podcast, movie etc.) and repeat aloud after him. Practice often - preferably on a daily basis - and don't forget that it's about imitating, not only repeating aloud without trying to speak like an American.

16. Listen to some music. OK. Get out your favorite music playlist of artists and rock away! Find some encouraging music. Find something that inspires you. Find something that puts you in a zone. Make your own custom playlist on YouTube and share it with others who may benefit from it. Download your favorite MP3s and listen to them in your car or while you're exercising. You can even listen to some inspiring talk radio on your way to work. Music is a joy in life. Use it to help you through your battles.

The experience of seeing my mother through her health crisis has forced me to re-orient myself to the world. And one of the reasons I like so many of the hyperlinking to the TED chats is that I hear aspects of my struggle in them. They help me make sense of all the tumult and upheaval, that sense that I'm no longer walking around with a safety net under me. It's also why I like the ideas my 12-stepping friends have, like the one that says we must examine our lives with "rigorous honesty" if we are to live in reality and not be victims of wishful thinking. That means I have to look at my responsibilities directly. I have to acknowledge that in many situations not speaking up can be worse. I have to know that not acknowledging the elephant in the room means I may have to live with it for a long time.

She committed to seeking out and creating room for those kinds of conversations in her life, because in the lack of them, she found it hard to keep her momentum going. It's easy to get in a rut with your coworkers, family members and friends of talking about the mundane. It's easy to get in the mode of the six o'clock news and to see only what isn't working in the world. And, it's really easy to talk about what's going wrong.

Might it now be time to openly question the value of a college education? With the walloping non-stop increase in tuition costs, it sure seems like we've entered an education bubble that will leave many in mega debt with no prospect for even an ho-hum career. Latest reports indicate that 53% of recent college grads are either unemployed or working at a job that does not require a college degree. There are more than 100,000 janitors in the U.S. with college degrees and 16,000 parking lot attendants.

2) What is everyone else talking about? You could, of course, simply parrot what everyone else is already saying. But what if, instead, you came up with a powerful, meaningful, but perhaps contrary opinion? This might be good exercise for your brain- just to practice adopting- and discussing- different viewpoints on the same issue. If you watch TED talks- do you agree with their premise? Why or why not? When you read top blogs in your industry- what would say the same or differently? Sharpening your own sense of critical thinking can give you new insights on core ideas and issues.

This app has been built by Apple. It is loaded with excellent educational content from some of the best universities in the world. By installing this app, you get access to an incredibly large number of subjects. This is one of the best iPhone apps for education for people who believe in self-study.

Frankly I had a tough time finding reasons to use Skyfire. My hands-on testing of the app made me feel that Flash doesn't matter anymore (not nearly as much as it used to before the iPad hit stores in April).