Ted Williams Dr. Phil Videos

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Révision datée du 11 septembre 2017 à 06:28 par (discussion)
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A TED talk is a place for you to take risks. Let's be honest about this. In this life, you'll probably only get one shot at a presentation like this. Step out on that limb and do something different. Make sure that your presentation is going to be memorable.

Here's an amazing story about a medical doctor, Dr Terry Wahls, who was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis in 2003. Soon after, she needed a wheelchair to get around and was only able to walk short distances with two canes. After 7 years of the best medical care and the latest drugs her condition progressively worsened to the point she couldn't sit upright. She had to be reclined in a zero-gravity chair.

The first thing is to actually want to meet your time limit. TED website and chats with Kruse are famous conferences in which each speaker is limited to just 20 minutes. In his TED talk, Anthony Robbins deliberately manipulated the audience so that they would ask him to speak longer than 20 minutes. He was not accidentally too long: he planned to take longer than was offered and he made it happen. When I had a group of students view this video, they were divided in their reactions. Some admired his confidence and some objected to the egoism of taking more than was offered.

Most people don't deliberately speak longer than they should. They just lose track of where they are in time, consumed either by their topic or by their nerves. They get off track because they never take the first step of intending to give a great presentation within the time limits. How long is your time limit? If it were twenty minutes, how would you condition yourself to speak in twenty minute increments?

As they walk to meet Jessica for What Not to Wear shopping day two, Stacy and Clinton marvel at Jessica's wildly conservative choices the day before, and how she's gone "from wackadoodle to snoozefest". When they meet up with Jessica, they tell her they want to inject the fun into her wardrobe to better suit who she is. They take the classic pieces she bought the day before and help her pair them with more unique and interesting wardrobe choices.

But nothing is permanent. And today's technology creates abundance. She detailed how the drawings that used to be wrapped in non-acidic paper, and stored flat can now be scanned. I bought from her an original watercolor measuring twelve by eighteen inches. Who knows, this same piece may end up forty-eight by seventy-two above a queen size bed in a Palm Beach Hotel. And I hope it does.

This is definitely a What Not to Wear triumph. The before and after photos of Jessica shown when she'd had her hair and makeup done were startling. Jessica looked so much prettier and younger with the cut red hair and sparkling makeup. The clothing Stacy and Clinton chose for Jessica was fun and funky to suit her personality, but also so much more flattering that she looked as if she'd gone down a couple sizes from before.

The importance and value of a college education has been sacrosanct for many years. But things change. Remember when owning a home was the guaranteed path to building financial security? Paying rent was supposed to be throwing money down the drain. Then came the housing bubble. And we all know how that turned out for scores of homeowners.

'This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it'. -Psalms 118:24; 'Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.' -Philippians 4:4 13. Look at the trials of others. Look at others around you in the world and count your blessings. Consider how blessed you are as compared to the vast majority of the world who may not have what you have. Food, water, shelter, clothing-these are all luxuries in many cases-that many people do not have.

As Bob Dylan says "The Times They Are a-Changin" so you have to stay fresh and fashion forward. In the 80s Madonna was a bleach blond, pudgy, leather jacket wearing rocker. In the 90s she started to settle down a bit, marry & remarry and softened her look. In the 2000s she discovered yoga, the kabbalah, had children, found her spiritual side and signed one of the largest music deals in history. If you are still wearing the same suits, have the same haircut and style of makeup as you did when you started your career decades ago it is time to update your look!