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A further project that he showed for the first time at the conference was called Universe. It is a software application that searches through news of the world and then compiles the events into a constellation of words and images. It's like a tag cloud of the world's collective consciousness.

Might it now be time to openly question the value of a college education? With the walloping non-stop increase in tuition costs, it sure seems like we've entered an education bubble that will leave many in mega debt with no prospect for even an ho-hum career. Latest reports indicate that 53% of recent college grads are either unemployed or working at a job that does not require a college degree. There are more than 100,000 janitors in the U.S. with college degrees and 16,000 parking lot attendants.

Wikimedia - have you ever found yourself on Wikipedia to look up one thing, and clicking around to other things? Well the wikimedia project hosts several projects, including Wikiversity which is like a wikipedia-style web of text, pictures, video and audio that can be used to learn in a way that almost mimics the university experience, as far as providing class outlines, syllabi, and organized lessons. Wikiversity does not provide beer or make you want to sleep until noon.

Such on-the-fly device diagnostics will likely be in high demand and the letter should be no threat to the business needs of Biosense or of the consumer patients. Bloomberg (and the letter) made reference to a similar system by Acon that was cleared under the less rigorous 510(k) process. Bloomberg makes reference to a "kit" that is needed to operate the system in question. Yes, it is available for purchase in the US. Uchek is also notable for being featured at those hyperlinking to the TED chats you've heard about.

Measure success and ask for feedback. Madonna tracks sales of her new albums carefully and can tell if her advertising, concerts, interviews, and social media activity are connecting with her fans. With your business measure what matters most and know which metrics drive profitable sales. Go on a listening tour and talk to your current, prospective and lost customers, it is amazing what you can learn when you ask a few targeted and open ended questions and then just let people talk.

The example that Heffernan used was this: Dr. Stewart found a correlation between childhood cancers and prenatal x-rays. She worked with Kneale to verify her facts. What's interesting is that Stewart thought she needed to hurry her research so her theory could be proven. Why hurry? She obviously thought her information - that x-rays were risky for pregnant women -- would be acted upon swiftly, before she could collect the necessary data.

Have you ever been asked to prepare a 40 minute presentation and then just before you come in to deliver it, be asked to 'slim it down' to 20 minutes?! I mean what are you meant to do? Speak twice as fast? Cut out the verbs?

17. Watch some television. What's your favorite television program? Do you like comedies, dramas, reality TV, educational TV, the news? Find something on the tube that inspires you or makes you feel better and watch a bit of it. Don't spend too much time here. A few hours should suffice. I love educational programs, and shows I can learn from such as National Geographic, the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, and the Travel Channel. I'm also a huge fan of some of those documentaries and reality TV shows on cable that take you behind the scenes of certain businesses. Shark Tank is also one of my faves. Find your faves and kickback to watch some TV.